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Jennifer Wu

Jennifer Wu

Associate Professor
Medical University of South Carolina


Jennifer Wu Received PhD from the University of British Columbia in Canada, post-doc trained at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Accepted a faculty position at the University of Washington, and moved to the MUSC/Hollings Cancer Center in 2011. Currently serving as the Committee chair for Cancer COP of FOCIS, Editorial board of Frontier Immunology (Tumor Immunology), Frontier Oncology, Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine, American Journal of Immunology, Austin Journal of Clinical immunology, and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Inflammation and Cancer newly lunched by Versita.

Research Interest

Jennifer Wu's research interest is on the molecular and cellular regulation of host immunity and inflammatory responses in tumor microenvironment by tumor secretive soluble elements, with emphasis on tumor shed proteins and secretive cytokines. One of mechanisms conveying tumor immune surveillance in cancer patients is though induced expression of the membrane-bound MHC I chain related molecules A and B (MICA and MICB) on tumor cell surface. These molecules serve as ligands for the immune activating receptor NKG2D to signal the activation of NK and CD8 T cell anti-tumor responses.